Ownership transfer

Preparation of an assignment agreement for a trademark ownership transfer, taking over the representation and filing

If you already have an assignment agreement ready, please contact us at [email protected].

Trademark ownership transfer

0trademarks registered by Trama

How it works?

Trademark ownership transfer request


Simple online form & secure payment

Power of Attorney

Power of attorney

Granting us the right to carry out the transfer



Receive ongoing updates about the progress

Trademark ownership transfered


Once the transfer is recorded by the IPO

What is in it for me?

See what we do differently than the rest of the industry.

Industry average

Initial risk assessment

Paid search (~ $150)

Free lawyer's check in 24 hours

Scope of services provided

Registration only

Registration, Litigation support, Monitoring


1-2 countries only


Registration process

Lengthy and often unclear

Simple online 3-step process

Application success rate



Pricing structure

Unclear with hidden fees

Transparent, including all fees

Access to Amazon Brand Registry


1-2 weeks

Extra scoop

Peace of mind based on Trama's record of 23149 satisfied clients

Industry average

Initial risk assessment

Scope of services provided


1-2 countries only

Registration process

Lengthy and often unclear

Application success rate


Pricing structure

Unclear with hidden fees

Access to Amazon Brand Registry


Extra scoop

Peace of mind based on Trama's record of 23149 satisfied clients

What our clients say?

Retain your trademarks as you move towards a better future

Trademark ownership transfer