Idea from student days taken to the real world
The current all-around package for event staffing companies provided by SquidWeb has evolved gradually. Its individual building blocks, including crew planning, project management, payroll and accounting, have been added over time, and it all started with a remarkable idea of the company’s founder throughout his university studies.
“The foundation for SquidWeb was already laid in the student days of the founder Simon Stürtz. He developed a simple software tool for mapping staffing services. While studying, he already started his own business as a supplier for event staff. Since payroll accounting is also needed for this, another building block was added to the software solution. Further additions include accounting, emails, KPIs and so on, resulting in the current all-around solution for event staffing companies.”
“The current many-armed helper has been developed step-by-step, covering all business processes that are standard in almost every company, as well as some additional processes that are specific to the event staffing sector. The image of the squid with its eight arms is a perfect fit for the product.”
Two decades of proven track record
SquidWeb offers an automated solution to productivity bottlenecks, removing menial tasks and creating efficient workflows. As a result, the individual building blocks creating this remarkable software tool focus on essential business processes, striving to give its users a competitive edge. That's why it's only logical to take the step out of the niche of event staffing companies. There are two major aspects that set SquidWeb apart from its competitors:
“First, after a certain point, standard enterprise software is often a limiting factor for the company because it is not flexible enough to adapt to a company’s processes. SquidWeb can do that. Therefore, it is not a hyper-clean tool with a single input field, which seems to be the goal of numerous applications nowadays. Instead, it is a software that you have to get used to as it offers a lot. If you however take this step, you gain access to opportunities for clear structuring and so many automations ranging from simple reminders to automated accounting. Hence, eventually, the eight arms really take the work off your hands in the form of recurring tasks, giving you time for the core essentials.”
“The other point is that all the functions provided by SquidWeb were developed out of a specific need of our team. In other words, the product was not designed on the drawing board since we wanted to have these practical solutions ready for us and we use them ourselves on a daily basis, being tested and perfected over the years.”
Brand recognition and brand protection
Trademark registration is typically preceded by a recognition of the importance of brand protection and the fact that business benefits created by brand recognition may be at risk if the brand is unprotected.
“The parent organisation of SquidWeb also operates in the event staffing sector and we have focused extensively on brand protection from the very start. There it was very clear that the business success depends on the ability of using unique terms and retaining the profits arising from the growing brand recognition. With SquidWeb, we did not have brand protection directly on our radar. The main reason was that we did not seem to have any direct competition for the name. In retrospect, that was a mistake and makes it more difficult now. We certainly should have registered our trademark in the early days of SquidWeb.”
Learning from the mistakes made by some of our clients, team Trama cannot emphasise enough the crucial role of early brand protection through trademark registration as this proactive approach ensures true protection and avoids the complications and challenges that may thwart business success in the future.
Experience with Trama
“It was very attractive for us that Trama offers brand protection as a one-stop-shop solution, including monitoring and legal support. We got to know Trama as fast, friendly and reliable! We started with them as we were close to missing a deadline in the US. Trama helped us out and took the case overnight, having completed the task at hand by the next day.”