7-Eleven files trademark lawsuit against Seven Eleven Law Group

Trademarks are vital assets that distinguish one business from another, creating a unique brand identity. A trademark infringement case can significantly impact the reputation and operations of companies involved. In a recent legal dispute, 7-Eleven, a well-known convenience store chain, is facing off against the Seven Eleven Law Group, an company that offers legal services, over the unauthorized use of the "SEVEN ELEVEN LAW" trademark. In this article we will discuss the allegations of trademark infringement, unfair competition, and more.


Igor Demcak

Details of the case

7-Eleven is a Texas corporation with its principal place of business in Irving, Texas. They have been in the business of operating convenience stores and gas stations across the United States since at least 1946, consistently using the name and mark "7-ELEVEN" in commerce. The distinctive "7-ELEVEN" name and mark are displayed in various stylizations in conjunction with their convenience stores and offerings. Today, 7-Eleven operates over 11,500 convenience stores across North America, many of which feature the "7-ELEVEN" name, marks, and logos, collectively known as the "7-ELEVEN Marks."

The case began to unfold in January 2023 when one of 7-Eleven's franchisees contacted Seven Eleven Law Group, believing that they were engaging with 7-Eleven's internal legal department. During this interaction, the defendants advised the franchisee that 7-Eleven was supposedly "in violation" of its franchise agreement and offered legal representation, which the franchisee declined. This led to 7-Eleven's discovery of the unauthorized usage of the "SEVEN ELEVEN LAW" Marks.

In response to this discovery, 7-Eleven promptly sent a cease-and-desist letter to the Law Group. The letter demanded that they immediately cease all use of the "SEVEN ELEVEN LAW" Marks, transfer the "711lawgroup" domain name to 7-Eleven, and agree not to use any marks that could be confusingly similar to the "7-ELEVEN Marks" in the future.

Defendant India Rios responded to 7-Eleven's cease-and-desist letter by email just five minutes after its dispatch, stating, "My mark is not infringing or diluting your clients' mark. I will not change my branding in any way. I reserve all of our legal rights."

Notably, the defendants describe themselves as experts in trademark law. Their website lists two primary practice areas: "Business Law" and "Trademark Your Brand." The website also offers options under the "Legal Boutique" category, such as "Register Your Trademark Now" and "Maintain Your Trademark." This indicates that the defendants are actively involved in areas related to trademarks and intellectual property, adding to the complexity of the case.

Trademark Infringement Claims

The crux of 7-Eleven's legal action revolves around several allegations. 7-Eleven contends that the defendants' unauthorized use of the "SEVEN ELEVEN LAW" Marks is likely to cause confusion, mistake, or deception among customers and potential customers. They argue that the usage may lead the public to believe in an affiliation, connection, or association between the defendants' business and 7-Eleven, or that the defendants' goods and services are endorsed by or affiliated with 7-Eleven.

Additionally, 7-Eleven claims that the defendants' use falsely designates the origin of their goods and services, leading to misleading and false representation regarding their business and offerings. In simpler terms, 7-Eleven alleges that the defendants' actions make it seem as though they are operating under the auspices of 7-Eleven or with its approval, which can harm the reputation and credibility of the well-established brand.

The outcome of this trademark infringement case could have significant legal implications. Trademark disputes often involve complex legal arguments and require a thorough examination of the usage, similarity, and consumer perception of the marks in question. In cases where infringement is proven, remedies can include injunctive relief to stop further use of the infringing marks, damages, and even the transfer of the infringing domain name, as 7-Eleven requested in its cease-and-desist letter.

In this case, the defendants' response suggests that they are prepared to defend their use of the "SEVEN ELEVEN LAW" Marks, maintaining that it does not infringe upon 7-Eleven's "7-ELEVEN Marks." The court will need to assess the evidence, including the similarities and differences between the marks, the nature of services provided by both parties, and any potential consumer confusion.

Igor Demcak
Igor Demcak

Trademark Attorney

Founder of Trama

7 year experience in IP protection

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