1. Web Domain
The domain name plays a key role in ensuring that your customers can easily find and return to your company. Simplicity of the domain name and ability to recall the brand name are essential in achieving positive growth. Unfortunately, cyber-squatting, or purposefully purchasing popular domain names, is becoming more and more common. This means that you may find that your ideal domain name is already taken and you are being asked to pay horrendous amount of money to reclaim your ideal domain name. Registered trademark solves the issue for you as you can simply utilise the level of protection enabled by trademark registration to claim your hosting. This level of protection also extends to fighting copycat attempts in terms of seemingly similar domain names. Numerous web hosting providers, led by GoDaddy, have already implemented assisted conflict resolution procedures, simplifying this process even further!
2. Google
This online search platform is absolutely vital for effective online marketing, whether you are focusing on organic or paid search results. In both cases, it is the trademark registration that allows you to prevent your competitors from utilising the search keywords associated with your trademark. An example can be made of one of our clients - Kickresume - an online platform for creating resumes. It is the name of the brand that makes it so memorable and easily found. At the same time, it is the registered trademark held by Kickresume which ensures that no competitor can exploit its good name to target the relevant customers.
3. Social Media
In addition to web hosting and Google search, social media represent another key component of an effective online marketing strategy. Similarly to the aforementioned case of taken domain names, cyber-squatting or copycat attempts on social media are also becoming increasingly common. As a result, you may find that the name of the page or a group that you are trying to establish on social media is already taken, or that someone purposefully infringes upon your good reputation. Facebook, Twitter and other social media platforms have taken a strong position in relation to upholding intellectual property rights, providing assisted conflict resolution procedures for trademark owners. Hence, with a registered trademark, reclaiming your social media profile is just a matter of a few clicks!
4. Amazon Brand Registry
Amazon has become a dominant online retail platform wth several hundreds of thousands having established their presence there. Trademark registration is an essential requirement for gaining access to Amazon Brand Registry which in addition to automatic monitoring and resolution of infringement attempts offers Amazon store owners additional perks, such as multi-page store layout and advanced analytics, all of which enhance the performance of online retailers.
5. Protecting #1 Asset
Above all, trademark registration protects the most important asset of virtually any business - its brand. A failure to ensure timely trademark registration may result in future problems raised by competitors. These issues may undermine your competitive position on the market and even lead to the need for rebranding. Conversely, it is the trademark registration that simplifies the resolution of any infringement attempts and ensures that the uniqueness of your brand is truly protected!